Jack Xiao
Born in Jiangxi, China
Live in Orange County, California
Have two cats – Athos and Bendit
Current Engineer @ Panasonic Avionics
I have taken the exciting step of buying a BMW and have been having a blast unlocking its hidden features and playing around with it. From coding to discovering new tricks, I enjoy every moment spent with my car. I also enjoy sharing my experiences and knowledge with my friends and colleagues.
As someone who loves both taking photos and traveling, I am always on the lookout for new and exciting experiences to capture through my lens. From exploring new cultures and cuisines to capturing breathtaking landscapes and moments, I believe that a picture is worth a thousand words.
Hiking has been a beloved hobby of mine for many years, and I have had the privilege of exploring some of the most beautiful trails in Southern California with friends. From scaling towering peaks to taking in scenic vistas, I have always found hiking to be a wonderful way to escape the daily grind and..